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» Tragic Misfortune
Register EmptySun Jun 28, 2009 6:45 am by poetgirl

Register EmptyWed Jan 14, 2009 5:17 pm by Bayomir

» My Mom
Register EmptySat Dec 13, 2008 9:08 pm by Bayomir

» thyroids
Register EmptyMon Nov 17, 2008 6:47 pm by Bayomir

» Jace needs our prayers!
Register EmptySun Nov 02, 2008 8:01 pm by Bayomir

» Bad Car Accident
Register EmptySun Nov 02, 2008 7:55 pm by Bayomir

» A friend
Register EmptyTue Oct 07, 2008 6:49 pm by Bayomir

» pray
Register EmptyWed Sep 10, 2008 2:01 am by poetgirl

» prayer request
Register EmptyThu Aug 21, 2008 10:39 pm by poetgirl

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First of let me be the first on to welcome you to The Writer's Block: Bringing the literary arts to you!

This site was conceived and set up for the sole intent on people being able to write their own literary works and put them up for everyone to enjoy them. We here at The Writer's Block feel that everyone deserves a chance to be heard and have their own works read. Albeit poetry, short stories, or whatever else you feel so inclined to put up here. As you can see, there are forums here for just about everything to do with the many aspects withing the literary world. From book reviews to writing poetry.This place is a haven for those who have no other place to write their literary works.

Feel free to ask any of the team members a question if you have anything you are unsure about or if you have a concern about something that is going on or that one of your fellow Block members are doing. If you have a suggestion for us, please, post it up in the "Ask the Admins" forum. That's what it is there for. Don't feel that this is just a site for us to govern over, but more so a site for everyone to take part in and be apart of.

We here at The Writer's Block do, however, have some rules that must be followed while you participate in the fun here. Those rules are as follows:

1) Do not post up anything that may be misconstrued as offensive material to a person, party, group of people, or creed.
Everyone is equal here and we want everyone to respect other's differences and freedoms.

2) Do not post up anything that is vulgar in nature.
That means we don't want to see a post here that is crude or sexually explicit. We're very sorry if you came here to do that, but these are our rules.

3) Do not, under any circumstances, post up anything that is discriminatory in nature!
This type of activity will get you banned, and very quickly at that. Nothing that denounces another persons race, religion, creed, nationality, sex, age, sexual orientation, or anything of that nature. Don't think that just because it isn't in the rules that it is acceptable behavior that will be tolerated here. It won't be.

4) Please do not use profanity.
We do have a language filter here and it is looking for those "off-color" words. Need we remind you that profanity doesn't just include the major cuss words out there. We are all intelligent people here and we all know what could be misconstrued as profane.

5) Remember that there are people on this site from around the globe.
Not everyone has the same beliefs that you may. If someone posts something up revolving their beliefs or their creed, religion, way of not attack them for it. How would you feel if someone attacked you for what you believed in? So, please, don't do it to others.

6) If, for whatever reason, you post up something on this site that is taken from another person's works elsewhere, please do yourself and that person the favor of posting up where you sited it.
For example, if you were to post up a sonnet by William Shakespeare, don't claim it as your own, state that it was sited from Shakespeare. Think in terms of a "works sited" page or a bibliography in essence. Basically, if you didn't write it, don't say that you did, that's called plagiarism and it will not be tolerated here. If you, or anyone else for that matter, is caught committing plagiarism on this site, you will be banned immediately.

Those are the basic rules that we here at The Writer's Block have set forth for you to adhere to. These rules are subject to change as time goes by, and by change we mean added to. The rules set here are not up for negotiation by any means. Please don't think that you can break one of these rules and not suffer the consequences of your actions. They are, and will continue to be, enforced very stringently and we expect everyone to follow them.

We hope that you enjoy your time here at The Writer's Block and keep this site for what it was meant for...the literary arts and, most Thank you for taking the time to read this as now you are fully aware of what we expect of you. Remember, this site was designed for everyone to come and enjoy the literary arts and be able to write freely amongst each other without worry of being discriminated against. Again, if you have any questions about any of the rules or anything going on with the site itself, you can always post up your question in the "Ask the Admins" forum or send a private message to anyone of us here.Again, thank you for your time. Enjoy the site, and we hope that this will be a great place for you to be and to recommend to your friends and others that you know who enjoy the literary arts.

The Chief Editor